Dog Fouling
There has been an increase in dog fouling around the village in recent weeks. This is totally unacceptable. Please clean up after your dog: you can use any street bin – dog or general litter bin – or you can take it home with you and put in your household waste.
Failure to clean up may incur a Fixed Penalty Notice of £75, or a criminal conviction in Court, with the possibility of a fine of up to £1,000.
It is the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after the dog if it fouls in a public area. The only exception is for people who are registered blind. This is the law, and it applies almost everywhere, including all locations where the public has permission to access private land, even if there is no signage.
If you are aware of anyone not clearing up after their dog please report it to the Parish Council or to Sedgemoor District Council on 01278 435294. Any information provided will be treated confidentially. You can also report it online at Report dog fouling. You will need to provide details of an incident and may be asked to provide a witness statement so that formal action can be taken. This is a problem that is never going to be solved without the co-operation of both dog-owners and residents who can provide information.