As many of you already know, Strongvox’s application to remove the affordable housing at the Cricketer site was considered at the Development Committee yesterday. Despite my statement on behalf of the Parish Council, and that of Cllr Caswell, objecting to the application, their application was successful. Obviously, we are all deeply disappointed that these affordable homes will not be available to the community. There is no right of appeal open to us.
It cannot be stressed strongly enough, that the Parish Council, collectively and individually did everything within their statutory powers to block this application, endorsing the overwhelming view of our parishioners. We believed we had a good case. However we always been mindful that even with the support of our district councillors our objections could fail as we saw yesterday.
We are aware that Sedgemoor and others such as EDF (HPC) have been working to secure the provision of affordable housing via a different route. If this is successful the houses would be bought by Sedgemoor using their funds, a contribution from EDF (HPC) and a grant from central Government. The homes would be owned by Sedgemoor and managed by Homes in Sedgemoor and then (presumably) the new Somerset Council.
Although there is no guarantee of success, as this plan depends on successfully getting a grant from central Government, we are told that this route is “promising” and that there is a good chance that the promised affordable housing can still be delivered, but please note nothing is yet secured.
This would also provide us an opportunity to make sure that people in Nether Stowey will be given priority to get the houses, with an allocation policy similar to the one used successfully for Harry Prowse Close. We are grateful that Sedgemoor, and in particular Duncan Harvey from the Affordable Housing Unit, have worked proactively to find a way to get us the affordable housing we need and should have.
The road junction work is scheduled to be complete on or about 22 May. Contrary to rumour, work has not been stopped because of this application. This is totally unfounded. There is still work being finished before the traffic lights can be turned on. On behalf of the Parish Council, I would like say how much we appreciate the collaborative way the highway contractors, Alun Griffiths, have worked with us.
John Roberts
Chairman, Nether Stowey Parish Council