The application for the second phase at the Cricketer Farm site was approved on 11 June 2024.
Full details of the application and decision are available at
The second phase comprises a further 58 new homes of which 23 will be affordable and includes landscaping of the surrounding land.
The application for the proposed housing development (Phase 1) at the Cricketer Farm has now been approved. The formal decision notice including conditions is available here.
Full details of the application are available at
Key changes have been made over the last few months:
- Retention and conversion of the existing granary building into 3 houses
- Enhanced setting around the paddock area
- Alterations to layout/appearance in response to feedback
- Overall reduction by one house to 109 houses/flats
- Changes to layout of particularly in the area around the granary
- Identification and opening up of historic culvert to provide a landscape/heritage feature within the Public Open Space;
- Revised landscape plan to reflect above, improve setting to nearby gazebo, reframe entrance area to A39
- Full details available on the Somerset Council Planning website here:
There are two applications. The first, for the highway works and traffic lights at the junction, is available on the Sedgemoor District Council (SDC) website under ref 36/19/00015. Click here to go the application page and then click the Planning Documents tab to download documents.
The Parish Council agreed their formal response to support this first application for the junction works at the (public) Parish Council meeting on 8 July. The application was subsequently approved.
The application for the housing development is under ref 36/19/00016. Click here to go the application page and all the documents can be found on the Planning Documents tab.
There was a Parish Council meeting to consider the PC’s formal response to the housing development application on Monday 29 July at 7pm at the Village Hall. The meeting was open to the public and there was an opportunity for residents to give their views. The deadline for comment has now passed, and the application is under consideration, with work being undertaken to address issues raised by consultees and interested parties.
Please bear in mind that although the Parish Council’s response is given some weight the final decision rests with Sedgemoor as the designated Planning Authority.
The Pre-application consultation is now closed
Proposals for the Cricketer Farm Site are still available here:

Since the announcement of the consultation, a number of questions have been raised. Click here for the Parish Council’s comments on those most often raised.