The Parish Council owns and maintains the civil cemetery at St Mary Street. Most of the cemetery is consecrated ground, but there is one area (on the left of the path) which is unconsecrated. The first part of the cemetery on the right of the path are ashes plots
You can find a list of those buried by clicking the links below. Some additional details of burials from 1935 are available from the Parish Office. A partial list of burials at St Mary’s Church is also available below, but please note that the Parish Council does not hold records on these and any enquiries should be directed to the Church.
Should you wish to make a reserve a burial or cremation plot please contact the Parish Clerk (01278 733779 between 10am and 1pm, or by e-mail to
Please help keep the cemetery tidy and safe for others. Natural wreaths and unwrapped flowers may be placed graves: please remove any cellophane or paper wrapping to the bins provided. Dead or withered flowers should be removed and placed in the appropriate bins. Rose bushes, shrubs and small trees are not permitted on any grave.
Only cemetery-approved vases as part of a memorial may be used. For the safety of visitors and maintenance staff, bell glasses, pots, jars, tins, bottles and other items likely to break or otherwise cause injury are not permitted.
One other decorative item may be permitted at the discretion of the Burial Authority. Such ornaments will be removed without notice if they are breakable, damaged, unsightly or are otherwise deemed to disturb the peace and respectful nature of the cemetery.
Memorials remain the property and responsibility of the owners who purchased them. All private graves are to be kept in good repair by the owners, unless a special agreement for that purpose be made with the Council. The Council may cause unsafe or damaged memorials to be removed. It is recommended that insurance be taken out for the maintenance of any memorial at the time of purchase.
A list of current fees can be found below along with the Cemetery Rules and Regulations.