Who are Stowey Green Spaces?

The Stowey Green Spaces Group are an independently constituted community organisation that began in late 2016 as a sub-committee of the Recreation Ground and that has developed to cover the green spaces of the surrounding areas and linking routes between them in order to maximise community interest in, and introduce visitors to, our wider surroundings.
Members of SGSG manage Stowey Wood, Millennium Wood and the Diamond Jubilee Wood for the benefit of the natural environment.
We have a Stowey Volunteers work group working in the green spaces on the first and third Tuesday of every month (afternoons: 2.30-4.30pm) as well as a monthly Litter Pick group on the third Saturday of every month. and we very much welcome new participants! There is also a regular meeting on the second Tuesday of every month. Contact details are below.
The Green Spaces
Nether Stowey Recreation Ground; Millennium Wood; Jubilee Wood; Stowey Wood; The Mount; Verges, paths and wooded areas along the A39; Public Rights of Way (footpaths and bridleways); Area between Banneson Road and Memorial Gate; Nether Stowey Plot 173; The old A39; The pedestrian lanes throughout Nether Stowey; Barn Close; waterways; rough woodland between the Recreation Ground and A39; Village Hall area; any other green areas and throughways in the locality of Nether and Over Stowey.
Overall objectives of the Stowey Green Spaces Group (SGSG)
- Identify, assess and help protect and enhance the natural and developed landscape and features of the landscape in the local area;
- Assist in the long term management of local natural resources especially land based;
- Take a role in building awareness, educating residents and visitors at the local level about the natural environment and introducing the countryside to people who may be hesitant to ‘use’ it because of unfamiliarity with countryside practice;
- Take on local projects to achieve the above objectives;
- Gather and catalogue information on the natural environment;
- Engage with local schools and colleges – the next generations – to achieve the above objectives;
- Offer advice and recommendations for best management practices on public and private lands as requested;
- Liaise with Nether and Over Stowey Parish Councils, AONB, SCC, SWT and others on green space issues;
- Keep public areas and roadsides in and around Nether and Over Stowey clear of litter, in liaison with Somerset Council.
Contact Stowey Green Spaces
by email: stoweygreenspaces@stowey.org.uk
telephone 01278 732574.
You can also leave a letter at the Parish Office