If you live on or next to the Brook, do you know your responsibilities?!
As you know, during bad weather, the Brook overflowed in several places in the Village, causing flooding and inconvenience to many residents. Although the amount of rain is a major factor in causing the problem, the situation is made worse by debris causing blockages along the route and ditches being unable to carry the excess water.
In the past, much of the necessary maintenance work was carried out by Sedgemoor District Council, and this included stretches where they had no official responsibility but did on a “goodwill” basis. In this time of stretched resources the Council do not have the resources to help, and so responsibility has to fall back to the Riparian Owners.
Are you a Riparian Owner?
Under Common Law you are the Riparian Owner of any watercourse within or adjacent to the boundaries of your property. Where a watercourse (whether open or enclosed in a culvert) is sited between two or more property boundaries each owner may be equally responsible unless the watercourse is adjacent to the Highway (such as in parts of Castle Street and St Mary Street).
Please meet your responsibilities in keeping the Brook free-flowing so that we may avoid the risk of further flooding. Please take a look at your stretch of the Brook:
- Check that the banks are clear of anything that could cause an obstruction if it were washed away, including recycling bins and boxes, plant pots and garden waste such as leaves etc and remove any litter that has collected in the brook (you are responsible even if it did not come from your land);
- Look for trees and shrubs growing close to the bank: if they are leaning over the Brook they may well fall in as the soil around the roots is eroded (particularly when the water is fast-flowing);
- Check that the banks and sides of the brook are not overgrown with weed etc
- If you have a ditch on your property please keep this clear. Where possible, please dig it out occasionally to ensure that its capacity to carry water is not reduced.
- If your stretch of the brook is covered by a culvert please check that the structure is sound. Culverts can collapse and cause the ground above to subside. Check also for obstructions.
Please note that landowners are responsible for maintaining culverts on their property, but they can be dangerous. You risk injury or drowning if you become trapped. You should consult a specialist contractor if work needs to be carried out inside the culvert.
More Information
Somerset Council – A guide to riparian responsibilities
The Environment Agency’s guide ‘Living on the Edge’ explains your rights and responsibilities as a Riparian Owner.
Please CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD. Printed copies are available from the Parish Office on request.
Link to Somerset Drainage Boards website