Please note information is provided by the various groups, who provide the necessary information and we rely on groups to inform us of any changes. To the best of our knowledge this is up-to-date as at June 2023. If we’ve missed you and you would like to have your group’s meetings included on our website please contact the Parish Office. Please note that all phone numbers given have the code 01278 unless stated.
Second and Fourth Monday:
10am-1pm Quantock Quilters (including Textiles) at NS Church Centre. Beginners welcome. More information from 652307 or 733709 or 671837.
Every Tuesday:
9.30-11.30 Nether Stowey Baby and Toddler Group at St Mary Church Centre. Term-time only. Relaxed and friendly group, welcoming parents, carer and their children to meet, play, chat and make new friends! Everyone welcome. £3 per family. Follow on Facebook @netherstoweybabyand toddlers or see their information here. Contact is Lucy tel 0794 139 3138.
10.00 or 10.30am Walking for Health organised by the Quantock Medical Centre (QMC) tel 732696. Monthly programme and further information from the QMC Website or call in to pick up the programme and arrange lifts if needed. NB – check the schedule on the QMC Website for start time/departure point for each walk as they vary.
2pm-5pm Short Mat Bowls Club at the Church Centre, £3 per session, contact Kath Roberts tel 732789.
First and Third Tuesday of the month:
2.30-4.30pm Stowey Green Spaces Work Group. Contact or phone 01278 734604.
Second Tuesday of the month:
2.30pm Stowey Green Spaces Group meeting. Contact or phone 01278 734604.
Every Wednesday:
10am-2pm Wednesday Club at the Church Centre. For ladies and gents aged 50+. Activities, coffee and Lunch. Help with transport available. New members welcome. Contact Maggie (741230) or Tina (732382).
Second Wednesday of the month:
7.30pm-9pm Thomas Poole Library at NS Library, £3.50 per session for members of the charity, £4.50 for non-members. Interesting talks on a wide range of subjects. More information at Thomas Poole Library’s website or call in. Telephone 732741.
First and Third Thursday of the month:
2pm-4pm Nether Stowey Art Group at NS Church Centre. Beginners welcome. £3 per session. Contact Mac 732382.
Second Thursday of the month:
2pm Nether Stowey & Fiddington Women’s Institute at the Thomas Poole Library. The Women’s Institute is somewhere for women of all ages to relax, have fun and make new friends. Contact Terry Binding, tel 733051.
Third Thursday of the month:
7.30pm Stowey Gardeners at the Church Centre. Talks on various topics by local and well-know national speakers. Tea and cake, raffle, plant table. Contact Lucy Haswell (tel 671289) or visit Stowey Gardeners’ website for more information.
Every Friday:
10am-11.30am Knit and Natter at Nether Stowey Library. All ages and abilities are welcome. No charge, but donate for tea or coffee. Contact Elise (732612).
Third Saturday of the month:
10am Stowey Green Spaces Group Litter picking. Contact or phone 01278 734604.