Lime Street and Mill Lane Pedestrian Safety Improvement Works – UPDATE
We have been advised that works will be carried out to improve pedestrian safety in Lime Street and at the Lime Street/ Mill Lane junction and the Palmers Path entrance. This is something that residents have complained about and for which the Parish Council has campaigned for many years, and while the project does not give us everything we might have liked, it is the best the County Council can afford and we believe that it will still make a significant contribution to making it safer to walk in the area particularly to walk to school and the village shops and for those using the narrow pavement in Lime Street.
Unfortunately, this will mean a lot of disruption during the three weeks that the works will take and some or all of Lime Street will have to be closed to traffic. We are currently exploring with the Road Engineering team options for how best to allow some access for Lime Street residents and to businesses, and temporary parking alternatives whilst enabling them to complete the work as quickly as possible and in a safe environment.
The work is expected to take place later in the Autumn and will take up to three weeks. There is no firm date as yet, despite any road closure notices you may have seen in the press. Further information will be available nearer the time – please check the website or the notice boards in the Parish office and on The Cross. A copy of the plan is available to view in the Parish Office or **here**
We do not underestimate the inconvenience this will cause everyone, but would ask for your forbearance for improvements that will be of benefit to the village in the long run. If you have a specific need for access during the period of the closure (eg for carers’ visits, deliveries to businesses, etc.) you should contact the Parish Office as soon as possible so that we can discuss appropriate arrangements with you and with the engineering team.
The Parish Office is open from 10am-1pm Monday-Fridays, or call (01278) 733779 or e-mail