New telephone number for Somerset County Council: 0300 123 2224
0300 123 2224 – A new number for Somerset County Council
Message from Somerset County Council:
Why have we made this change?
The single number makes it easier and cheaper to contact us. People don’t have to decide which 0845 number to use and the single number will be easier to remember.
On average it will be cheaper for people to call us. Exact charges depend on landline and mobile phone packages, but calls to 0300 numbers are charged at the same rate as calls to any number starting with 01 or 02.
Also, anyone with free minutes as part of their landline or mobile call plan will automatically be able to call 0300 123 2224 for free (so long as they are within their free minutes allocation), which was not the case with the 0845 numbers.
How are the calls answered?
Callers are asked to choose one of four options: ‘Services for Children’, ‘Adult Social Care’, ‘Roads and Transport’ and ‘All other enquiries’. After that the experience is the same as before, which may include additional options, for example a safeguarding option if the call is to Children or Adults services.
The contact centre Somerset Direct has a good record of responding to calls quickly and has the same number of well-trained staff in place so there will be no change to the service provided. All other services including support for Type Talk, email and SMS text are unaffected by the change.
If you require any more information please email Kylie Hawken