Parish Office reopens Monday 14 September
The Parish Office will reopen on Monday 14 September.
Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
It is still safest to get in touch with us by phone or e-mail. But if you need to come, the office is open to members of the public at these times only. If you need more than a brief consultation, please ask for an appointment so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
We have done everything we can to make the office Covid-19 secure and ask you to help keep everyone safe by following the new guidelines:
- One visitor in the office at any time. Please wait outside until the previous visitor has left.
- Keep a safe distance (2 metres)
- Please don’t come in if you have any symptoms such as coughing, sneezing etc
- Wear a mask and sanitise hands on entry. Tell us if you genuinely can’t wear a mask
- Provide contact details (these will be kept for contact tracing purposes only and the daily record will be destroyed after 21 days)
Please note that the office may occasionally be closed for appointments, internal meetings or staff absences/unavoidable commitments elsewhere. When the office is closed, please e-mail or phone and leave a message (we check on “closed” days and can call back if urgent).
A copy of our full risk assessment is available here
Phone: 01278 733779