Somerset Covid-19 Update
Friday 30 October – from Somerset County Council
This is the introduction and main points of an update is provided by the Somerset Covid-19 Engagement Board and is designed to provide a weekly update on the current Covid-19 situation in Somerset. Read the full document here.
Over-arching message:
We are continuing to see a rise in positive Covid-19 cases across the county. The Somerset seven day rate is still lower (67.1 per 100,000 population) than the England rate (226.0 per 100,000) but the rise over the last few weeks is clear and continuing. We are closely monitoring where our cases are, so that we can be quick to respond to any trends, clusters or outbreaks.
We have today, launched our online Somerset Covid-19 survey to understand the barriers people face doing the practical things we all need to do to stop the spread of the virus. Your support in helping us to promote the survey within your networks in much appreciated, more information on this later in the update.
In recent weeks, as well as working hard behind the scenes, we focussed some targeted communications in West Somerset due to a stark rise in positive cases. It has been really pleasing to see how the local response to our efforts has had a positive impact on the number of cases in the area. In the seven days (up to 29 October) there has been five cases of Covid-19 in West Somerset at a rate of 14 per 100,000 – this is in comparison to 17 cases at a rate of 48 per 100,000 in the week ending 4 October. This really shows how, by all working together, it really is achievable to bring our rates down – thanks to everyone that has played a part.
‘Remember, everyone can catch it, anyone can spread it’.
David Fothergill, Leader of Somerset County Council Twitter: @DJAForgill
Trudi Grant, Director of Public Health Twitter: @SomersetDPH
Clare Paul, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing Twitter: @Clarepaul_